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Telos Foundation Foresees ZK Systems’ ChatGPT Moment

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Telos Foundation Foresees ZK Systems' ChatGPT Moment

As the development of zero-knowledge (ZK) systems progresses, there is anticipation that it will experience a breakthrough similar to the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT. ZK-proofs are a method of authenticating information while maintaining privacy, allowing one party to prove another party’s truthfulness without revealing concealed information. This technology enables public blockchains to validate hidden data, enabling crypto users to verify information without disclosing its content. While ZK is currently in its early stages, some experts believe that it will gain widespread attention and interest, similar to ChatGPT, as its implementation expands.

John Lilic, the executive director of the Telos Foundation, stated in an interview at Token2049 in Dubai that ZK is fundamental and important, describing it as the “end game.” Lilic believes that although people currently find it difficult to understand, there will come a time when ZK systems will attract the same level of attention as ChatGPT did upon its introduction. He expects a rapid surge of interest in ZK once it gains broader implementation.

Telos Foundation recently partnered with Ponos Technology to develop a layer-2 network using Telos’ SNARKtor, a decentralized recursive proof aggregator. This collaboration is part of Telos Foundation’s efforts to become a “network of networks.” Despite the potential of ZK systems in the future, Richard Meissner, the co-founder of Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe), which utilizes ZK systems, stated that the technology is still in its early stages of development. Meissner emphasized the need for optimization to encourage wider adoption.

Terence Kwok, the founder of Humanity Protocol, which incorporates ZK systems, described the current state of ZK as promising and evolving. Kwok expressed optimism towards ZK’s role in shaping a more secure, private, and decentralized environment. Ongoing research and development efforts aim to address limitations and expand the applicability of ZK technology.

Meissner emphasized the importance of ZK technology in cases where publicly visible transactions may not be suitable. Any interaction between parties that require verification without revealing sensitive details can benefit from ZK technology, enabling trustless transactions. Lilic provided an example of ZK’s relevance in car rentals using blockchain systems integrated with crypto payments. Instead of exposing identity documents on the blockchain, ZK technology allows users to generate proof on their devices to demonstrate their valid license and meet necessary requirements.

Kwok recognized ZK technology as crucial for Web3, where individuals are empowered with control over their personal information. ZK serves as a shield against data breaches and privacy violations, allowing users to assert their identity and authenticate transactions without exposing sensitive details. Kwok emphasized the importance of understanding ZK concepts to make informed decisions about Web3 applications and data sharing.

12 thoughts on “Telos Foundation Foresees ZK Systems’ ChatGPT Moment

  1. The article keeps emphasizing the importance of understanding ZK concepts, but it doesn’t provide any explanation or resources for readers to learn more.

  2. I find it hard to believe that ZK will attract the same level of attention as ChatGPT. Seems like an exaggerated claim.

  3. ZK technology might have some niche applications, but I highly doubt it will have the broad impact the article suggests. 🤔

  4. It’s unclear how ZK technology will actually shape a more secure and private environment. The article lacks concrete examples.

  5. This article seems to be overhyping ZK technology. I highly doubt it will experience a breakthrough on par with ChatGPT. 🤷‍♀️

  6. While the potential of ZK systems in the future is mentioned, the article fails to acknowledge the current limitations and challenges.

  7. Understanding ZK concepts is indeed important for making informed decisions about Web3 applications and data sharing. Knowledge is power! 💡

  8. The article mentions rapid surge of interest in ZK, but it fails to provide any substantial evidence or examples. 🧐

  9. The partnership between Telos Foundation and Ponos Technology to develop a layer-2 network is a great step forward. Together, they can build a strong “network of networks” using ZK technology. 👏

  10. The article’s optimistic tone towards ZK’s role seems unfounded. It’s still too early to make such claims. 😒

  11. ZK systems need a lot of optimization and refinement before they can be widely adopted.

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