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Superintelligence in Years: SingularityNET CEO

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Superintelligence in Years: SingularityNET CEO

The Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (ASI), a collaboration between SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol, has decided to push the merger of their tokens to July 15. The founder and CEO of SingularityNET and ASI, Ben Goertzel, conveyed to that despite this postponement, the world might witness “superhuman superintelligence” in just a few years. The delay is necessary to accommodate additional technical and logistical arrangements.

Humayun Sheikh, the CEO of, reiterated that this brief delay will not hinder their significant progress in creating a decentralized superintelligence network. According to Sheikh, their teams are currently in active collaboration with centralized exchanges to complete the remaining procedural steps.

Discussing the long-term goals, Goertzel mentioned that their primary aim is to develop superintelligence using a decentralized infrastructure. This objective, considered a medium-term rather than an immediate goal, targets progressively smarter AI systems on decentralized platforms, ultimately leading to general intelligence.

Goertzel highlighted the importance of unifying efforts among the three partnering AI and blockchain projects to achieve decentralized artificial general intelligence (AGI). The rationale behind this coalition is that once a human-level AGI is established, the system can continually enhance its intelligence, progressing towards superintelligence. He pointed out that in this endeavor, they are competing with tech giants with trillion-dollar valuations, and uniting their efforts seems to offer a better chance of success.

When asked about the timeline for achieving AGI, Goertzel speculated it could happen within three to eight years but is unlikely to occur this year or as far off as 2100. He believes we are nearing the point where we could see significantly superhuman superintelligence soon.

Goertzel also touched on the AGI predictions made by Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and AI futurist. Kurzweil predicted human-level AGI by 2029 and a technological singularity by 2045. Goertzel thinks Kurzweil underestimated how swiftly an AGI could enhance its intelligence once it reaches human-level capabilities.

Despite the delay in the ASI merger, Goertzel assured that support would be provided through official channels of AGIX, FET, and OCEAN, as well as the ASI channel. The teams remain dedicated to their objective of creating a decentralized superintelligence network and believe they are making substantial progress.

While the merger of tokens has been delayed, the significant advancements and collaborations among SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol are paving the way for a promising future in decentralized superintelligence. The commitment and unified efforts of these teams bring them closer to achieving their ambitious goals, even as they navigate the challenges and intricacies of this groundbreaking endeavor.

32 thoughts on “Superintelligence in Years: SingularityNET CEO

  1. Ugh, another postponement. I’m beginning to think these guys are all talk and no action. 🗣️💨

  2. Wow, another delay. Can’t say I’m surprised. Starting to wonder if they really have a plan.

  3. This collaboration is the future! Even with the delay, their progress so far is impressive.

  4. I’m losing faith in this project… So much hype and now delays. Not a good sign.

  5. Proud of these teams for their relentless pursuit! 💪 The merger delay is just a step towards something monumental. 🌐

  6. The dream team of AI and blockchain! Their strategic planning is commendable. Cant wait for July 15!

  7. The goals of ASI are awe-inspiring! 🌟 Can’t wait to see these visions come to life. 🌐

  8. Excited to see the collaboration between SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol! This delay is just a small bump on the road to superintelligence!

  9. Yet another pushback. Seriously, how much longer do we have to wait? Losing patience here. ⏳

  10. Every delay just adds to my skepticism. Are we ever going to see real results?

  11. Another pushback? This isn’t looking good. The more they delay, the more skeptical I become. 😒

  12. Great, another delay. I’m starting to think this whole thing is just vaporware.

  13. Seriously? Another delay? This is getting frustrating! How are we supposed to trust that they’ll deliver on time?

  14. Wow, superhuman superintelligence in a few years! 🌟 Can’t wait to see what these amazing teams are going to achieve! 😊

  15. Super supportive of this merger and the visionary minds behind it! The future of AI is in great hands.

  16. Jeez, how many times are they going to push back the merger? 🤦‍♂️ Seems like they can’t get their act together.

  17. Cheers to the incredible teamwork and dedication! 👏 The delay is just a testament to their thoroughness. 🧠💫

  18. The unified efforts are what will make this project succeed. True pioneers in the AI and blockchain sectors!

  19. Truly pioneering work. Excited for the world to witness this leap in technology!

  20. Fantastic advancements! Even with a delay, this collaboration is a game-changer.

  21. Humayun Sheikh’s reassurances are comforting! Active collaboration with exchanges shows their commitment.

  22. Incredible news! Can’t wait to see what a decentralized AGI can accomplish. All the best to SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol!

  23. Delays, delays, and more delays. This can’t be good for investors’ confidence.

  24. If they can’t even stick to their own timelines, why should we believe their ambitious claims about achieving superintelligence?

  25. Ray Kurzweil’s predictions matched with Goertzel’s optimism the future of AI looks promising!

  26. The steps theyre taking are groundbreaking! Superhuman superintelligence is closer than we think.

  27. If they can’t manage a merger timeline, how do they expect to achieve something as complex as AGI? 🤷‍♀️

  28. I’m getting tired of these delays. How can they be taken seriously if they keep pushing deadlines?

  29. The synergy between Ben Goertzel and Humayun Sheikh is incredible! July 15 can’t come soon enough!

  30. Significant progress despite a slight delay! Kudos to everyone involved, especially the dedication to decentralizing intelligence!

  31. They keep talking about ‘significant progress,’ but all I see are setbacks and postponements. Disappointing.

  32. Promises, promises… but where’s the actual progress? This postponement doesn’t inspire confidence.

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