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US Lawmakers Push for Bitcoin Options Trading Approval

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US Lawmakers Push for Bitcoin Options Trading Approval

Lawmakers in the United States are reportedly urging the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to approve options trading on Bitcoin exchange-traded products (ETPs). Representatives Mike Flood and Wiley Nickel wrote a letter to the SEC’s chair, Gary Gensler, requesting the Commission to stop discriminating against cryptocurrency funds. The bipartisan letter emphasized the need for the SEC to either approve options on spot Bitcoin ETPs or provide an explanation for the discrepancy in treatment between options for Bitcoin futures ETFs, which are already trading, and options for spot Bitcoin ETPs. Options are financial instruments that allow the buyer to purchase or sell an asset, such as Bitcoin, at a predetermined price by a specific date. These instruments are commonly used to hedge against price fluctuations, limit potential losses, and generate additional income for investors through various strategies. Flood and Nickel believe that approving options trading is essential for protecting investors, a key objective for the SEC.

Currently, the SEC has been delaying decisions on applications from the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and Cboe Global Markets, all submitted in January. Nasdaq has applied to list and trade options on BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust, while Cboe plans to offer options trading on various Bitcoin funds. The NYSE intends to trade options on Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITB), Grayscale Bitcoin Trusts (GBTC), and other trusts holding Bitcoin. The SEC recently initiated a consultation round to consider a proposed rule change that would allow options trading on Bitcoin funds. The SEC wants to explore how Bitcoin options might impact market stability, particularly during volatile conditions. The agency is also examining whether current market surveillance and enforcement practices are adequate for managing the complexities of Bitcoin options. Interested participants have been invited to submit initial comments by May 15, 2024, and rebuttal comments by May 29, 2024. This consultation process reflects the SEC’s commitment to thorough examination before making any decisions on options trading for Bitcoin funds.

15 thoughts on “US Lawmakers Push for Bitcoin Options Trading Approval

  1. Instead of focusing on Bitcoin, the SEC should be working on implementing stricter regulations for the entire cryptocurrency industry. This is a distraction. 👎

  2. Options trading can help investors manage risks and generate additional income. It’s a win-win situation!

  3. The potential for options trading on Bitcoin funds demonstrates the continuous innovation and growth of the crypto space. 🚀

  4. Thorough examination and consideration of all factors are vital when making decisions about the future of Bitcoin options.

  5. I’m confident that options trading will create new opportunities for investors and strengthen the overall market.

  6. This is just another example of the government bending over backward for big financial institutions. It’s always the average investor who suffers.

  7. It’s encouraging to see bipartisan support for the approval of options trading on Bitcoin ETPs. Unity is key! 🤝

  8. Approving options trading will provide more opportunities for investors and help protect them against price fluctuations.

  9. It’s clear that these lawmakers have no clue about the risks involved in trading Bitcoin. We’re just setting ourselves up for a major financial crisis.

  10. This is absurd! Why should we approve options trading on Bitcoin ETPs? It’s just another way for people to gamble with their money. 🙄

  11. Opening the door to options trading on Bitcoin ETPs will attract more institutional investors and boost market activity.

  12. With options trading, investors can better strategize and optimize their Bitcoin investments. It’s a game-changer!

  13. Thank you, SEC, for initiating a consultation process to thoroughly examine the impact and market stability of Bitcoin options.

  14. Let’s hope that the SEC approves options trading soon and opens up new doors for the cryptocurrency industry!

  15. The potential benefits of options trading on Bitcoin funds are enormous. It’s an exciting time for investors! 💰

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