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GPT for UBI: Sam Altman’s Perspective

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GPT for UBI: Sam Altman's Perspective

In a recent interview, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, discussed the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) models on socioeconomic structures. Altman proposed a vision where “compute,” or computational power, could replace monetary income as a means of providing a universal basic income (UBI). He acknowledged the dangers of AI, including the possibility of human extinction and job displacement. To address these concerns, Altman suggested the creation of a global oversight board to regulate powerful AI systems. He reassured listeners that OpenAI’s current model, GPT-4, posed no significant threat to human lives.

Altman is a strong supporter of UBI and leads Tools for Humanity, which utilizes the Worldcoin cryptocurrency and identity verification platform. Worldcoin is given to individuals who verify their humanity and receive a monthly token stipend in return. Altman expressed dissatisfaction with government poverty assistance programs and advocated for a direct, respectful approach to UBI. He believes that giving people money alone will not solve all problems, but it may offer opportunities for individuals to make better decisions and improve their circumstances.

Altman’s support for UBI stems from his realization, along with his colleagues, in 2016 that AI could have far-reaching effects. They conducted studies and found promise in UBI as a potential solution. Altman now ponders a potential shift from universal basic income to universal basic compute, where individuals would have access to computational power like that of GPT-7 and could use, resell, or donate it for various purposes such as cancer research. This vision represents a new way of approaching socioeconomic support and embraces the potential of AI technology.

17 thoughts on “GPT for UBI: Sam Altman’s Perspective

  1. This idea of replacing monetary income with compute is absurd. How can computational power provide for basic needs and necessities?

  2. Wow, Sam Altman’s vision for the potential impact of AI on socioeconomic structures is truly remarkable! The idea of compute replacing monetary income for universal basic income is intriguing and could revolutionize the way we provide support to people. It’s great to see him acknowledging the dangers of AI and proposing a global oversight board to regulate these powerful systems. OpenAI’s commitment to ensuring the safety of their models like GPT-4 is commendable. Moreover, Altman’s support for UBI through Tools for Humanity and Worldcoin highlights his dedication to finding innovative solutions. Giving people the opportunity to make better decisions and improve their circumstances is such a thoughtful approach to tackling poverty. His realization in 2016 about the potential effects of AI and subsequent studies on UBI shows his deep understanding of the subject. The idea of shifting towards universal basic compute is mind-blowing and could open up endless possibilities! Sam Altman’s vision truly embraces the potential of AI technology.

  3. Altman’s approach to socioeconomic support is naive and fails to address the complex systemic issues at play.

  4. AI models are a huge threat and can lead to complete human extinction. Why is Altman so nonchalant about this? 😡

  5. Altman’s belief in the potential of AI is overly optimistic. We should be cautious and skeptical about the societal impact it can have.

  6. Just giving people money doesn’t solve the root causes of poverty and inequality. Altman’s approach seems simplistic and misguided.

  7. Worldcoin cryptocurrency and identity verification platform sounds sketchy. How can we trust this system to provide fair and unbiased support?

  8. UBI based on computational power is a utopian idea that is detached from reality. It’s not practical or sustainable. 😒

  9. Altman’s shift from universal basic income to universal basic compute is merely an attempt to stay relevant in the AI discourse.

  10. OpenAI’s reassurance about GPT-4 not being a threat is hard to believe. They could be downplaying the potential dangers to protect their own interests.

  11. Altman’s studies and promises of UBI as a solution seem hypothetical and lack concrete evidence of its effectiveness.

  12. Altman’s optimism about the potential of AI technology leaves out the ethical considerations and unintended consequences that come with it. 😒

  13. Altman’s dissatisfaction with government poverty assistance programs shows a lack of understanding and empathy for the complexities of social welfare. UBI is not a magical solution.

  14. Altman’s focus on AI and UBI seems like a distraction from more pressing issues that need immediate attention.

  15. Job displacement is a real concern with AI, and Altman’s proposal of a global oversight board is just a band-aid solution. It won’t solve the underlying problem.

  16. Altman’s vision of switching from UBI to universal basic compute is far-fetched. How will that address the immediate needs of individuals facing poverty and unemployment? 🙄

  17. The idea of reselling or donating computational power sounds like a pipe dream. How many people would actually benefit from this theoretical concept?

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