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Dubai’s Token2049: Tuxedos Optional, Lifejackets Obligatory

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Dubai's Token2049: Tuxedos Optional, Lifejackets Obligatory

Token2049, an annual conference focused on Web3 and crypto, is set to begin on April 18 in Dubai. The event faces challenges as the city has been hit by heavy rain, which is unusual for the desert region. Typically, Dubai only receives about 9.5cm of rain per year, but in the span of 24 hours between Monday and Tuesday, it experienced close to 15cm of rainfall. This unexpected weather has caused chaos in the city, with social media flooded with videos showing streets turned into rivers and cars submerged. Even Dubai International Airport, the second busiest in the world, advised travelers not to come, marking a unique situation for the desert nation.

Despite these inconveniences, the Token2049 conference will proceed as planned. The organizers are hopeful that the weather will clear up soon, and the city can return to its usual blue skies and temperatures of around 30°C. ‘s reporter Ezra Reguerra is on-site to cover the event and has shared eye-popping videos showcasing the aftermath of the storms.

Token2049 will be held at the Madinat Jumeirah Hotel in Dubai from April 18-19, 2024. It is considered one of the most important global events for the Web3 and crypto community, and this is the first time it is taking place in Dubai. The event has already sold out, with approximately 10,000 attendees expected over the two days. It will bring together founders, executives, and decision-makers from more than 4,000 companies and 100 countries.

The conference will feature a diverse range of topics, including discussions on decentralized AI, Web3 gaming, DeFi, and blockchain scalability. As befitting the city of Dubai, there will be exhibitions, live DJ sets, and high-class hospitality to accompany the event. TOKEN2049 kicked off on April 15, with a week-long series of meetups, workshops, and parties. The second TOKEN2049 event of the year is scheduled to take place in Singapore in September.

8 thoughts on “Dubai’s Token2049: Tuxedos Optional, Lifejackets Obligatory

  1. Nothing can stop Token2049 from being a huge success! Dubai, you got this!

  2. Token2049 is a hub for founders, executives, and decision-makers to connect and inspire!

  3. I admire the resilience of the organizers and attendees of Token2049! Dubai will bounce back!

  4. Token2049 in Dubai marks a new chapter for the conference and the city! Exciting times ahead!

  5. Token2049 is the place to be for everything crypto! Wish I could attend!

  6. Despite the rain, Dubai will shine brighter with Token2049! Can’t wait for the updates! ✨🌟

  7. It’s ridiculous that Token2049 is going ahead despite the severe weather conditions in Dubai. This decision shows a lack of concern for the well-being of the attendees and a disregard for the impact it might have on the city’s recovery efforts.

  8. Why would anyone choose Dubai as the location for Token2049 during their rainy season? It’s a disaster waiting to happen! Not to mention the inconveniences caused to the attendees who planned their trips based on the usual weather conditions.

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