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Chainlink Labs Partners with MarketAcross for BUILD Program Support

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Chainlink Labs Partners with MarketAcross for BUILD Program Support

Chainlink Labs, a leading provider of decentralized oracle solutions, has recently announced its collaboration with MarketAcross, a renowned blockchain public relations (PR) firm. The partnership aims to support startups participating in Chainlink Labs’ BUILD program, offering them enhanced exposure and assistance in raising awareness about their projects.

The BUILD program, initiated by Chainlink Labs, provides support and mentorship to early-stage blockchain projects. By connecting them with industry experts, developers, and potential investors, the program aims to nurture and accelerate the growth of these startups. The collaboration with MarketAcross will further complement this effort by leveraging its expertise in PR and marketing to help startups gain visibility and reach a wider audience.

MarketAcross has garnered a reputation for its comprehensive PR strategies tailored specifically for the blockchain industry. With a strong track record of successful campaigns, the firm has assisted numerous blockchain projects in increasing their brand recognition and attracting funding opportunities. Their expertise encompasses media relations, social media management, content creation, and community engagement. Through this partnership, MarketAcross will extend these services to the participants of Chainlink Labs’ BUILD program.

Startups participating in the BUILD program will now have access to MarketAcross’ vast network of media contacts, including influential journalists, bloggers, and industry influencers. This exposure will enable them to secure media coverage, interviews, and articles, providing valuable publicity for their projects. The PR firm’s assistance with crafting compelling press releases and engaging content will help startups effectively communicate their vision and unique value propositions to potential users and investors.

MarketAcross will leverage their social media management expertise to enhance the startups’ online presence. By developing and executing targeted social media campaigns on platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Telegram, the firm will ensure that the startups’ messages reach relevant audiences and generate maximum engagement. This will result in increased brand visibility and organic growth for these projects.

In addition to media outreach and social media marketing, MarketAcross will also provide support in community engagement. The firm will help startups organize and manage community events, AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions, and bounty programs. These initiatives are essential for fostering a vibrant and active community around a blockchain project, as they encourage user participation and provide valuable feedback to the startups.

The collaboration between Chainlink Labs and MarketAcross is a win-win situation for all parties involved. Startups in the BUILD program will benefit from expert PR guidance, enabling them to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive industry. With enhanced exposure and visibility, these startups will have a greater chance of securing the resources and partnerships necessary for their growth and success.

On the other hand, MarketAcross will have the opportunity to work closely with promising blockchain startups, further solidifying its position as a leading PR firm in the industry. This collaboration will also enable the firm to contribute to the growth of the blockchain ecosystem by supporting innovative projects and technologies.

With blockchain technology revolutionizing various industries, effective PR and marketing strategies are becoming increasingly crucial for startups to stand out in a crowded marketplace. The collaboration between Chainlink Labs and MarketAcross reflects the recognition of this need and the commitment to providing startups with the necessary resources and support to thrive.

The partnership between Chainlink Labs and MarketAcross brings immense value to the blockchain startup community. By combining the technical expertise of Chainlink Labs with the PR and marketing prowess of MarketAcross, startups in the BUILD program now have an even greater chance of achieving their goals and revolutionizing the blockchain industry. With this collaboration, the future looks brighter for aspiring blockchain entrepreneurs.

9 thoughts on “Chainlink Labs Partners with MarketAcross for BUILD Program Support

  1. This collaboration is just a way for MarketAcross to make more money. It’s all about the bottom line, not helping startups 🤑

  2. The social media management expertise of MarketAcross is invaluable in today’s digital age. Social media campaigns executed by the firm will ensure that startups’ messages reach the right audience and generate maximum engagement.

  3. Another example of the blockchain industry relying on hype and marketing instead of real substance. It’s disappointing to see

  4. The expertise of MarketAcross in PR and marketing is exactly what these startups need to effectively communicate their vision and attract investors. This collaboration is a game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs in the blockchain industry.

  5. This partnership seems like a desperate attempt for Chainlink Labs to gain more exposure They can’t rely on their own merit?

  6. By combining the technical expertise of Chainlink Labs with the PR and marketing prowess of MarketAcross, startups now have an even greater chance of achieving their goals. The future looks incredibly bright for blockchain entrepreneurs!

  7. Community engagement is crucial for any blockchain project, and the support provided by MarketAcross in organizing events and AMAs will foster a strong and active community. This will greatly benefit the startups’ growth and development. 🌐

  8. Community events and AMAs won’t make a difference. These startups need actual product development, not just fancy PR tactics

  9. The collaboration between Chainlink Labs and MarketAcross truly benefits all parties involved. Startups in the BUILD program gain expert guidance, while MarketAcross further solidifies its position as a leading PR firm in the blockchain industry. A win-win situation!

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