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Blockchain Education Initiatives Soar in Crypto Bull Market

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Blockchain Education Initiatives Soar in Crypto Bull Market

Crypto education initiatives are becoming increasingly popular in the industry. The organizers of the Women in Tech Global Summit announced that they will be incorporating Unstoppable Domain’s technology to create a Web3 top-level domain called “.WITG”. This digital identity domain will allow participants to network, access education, and training in blockchain and AI. The aim is to foster a sense of community and identity among women in tech and provide them with the tools they need to succeed in the digital space.

A survey conducted by crypto exchange KuCoin found that 88% of young adults are interested in pursuing careers in blockchain, with 75% showing a high interest in the Web3 sector. Only 15% of respondents have more than three years of experience in blockchain. To address this gap, KuCoin launched the KuCoin Campus initiative, which offers offline events at schools and colleges to teach students about digital finance.

Crypto exchange Bitget also saw success with its Blockchain4Youth initiative, attracting over 6,000 participants in its first year. More than 51 universities participated, issuing over 2,000 Web3 certificates to students who completed the courses and passed exams. Bitget plans to offer more scholarships and launch additional online courses to further engage young people.

Changpeng Zhao, the co-founder and former CEO of Binance, has also turned his attention to education. He launched the Giggle Academy to provide educational resources and promote positive energy in the crypto space. The academy aims to catch up with educational content development once it reaches the scaling phase.

In a separate development, the Institute of Crypto-Assets was established at the Léonard de Vinci Centre in Paris. Led by a committee of six practitioners, including co-founder of Ledger Nicolas Bacca and Paymium founder Pierre Noizat, the institute will focus on scientific research in the crypto space.

The crypto education sector is booming, with various initiatives and programs aimed at equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the industry.

9 thoughts on “Blockchain Education Initiatives Soar in Crypto Bull Market

  1. It’s clear that these initiatives are more about marketing and PR rather than actually making a difference. 🙄

  2. I can’t help but feel like these initiatives are just a way for these companies to profit off of the crypto hype. It’s disingenuous.

  3. This is just a way for these companies to capitalize on the growing popularity of crypto. They’re not actually invested in supporting women in tech.

  4. It’s amazing to hear that 88% of young adults are interested in pursuing careers in blockchain! The future is bright for the Web3 sector. Let’s keep the momentum going!

  5. Another useless attempt at virtue signaling by these companies. I’m not buying it.

  6. I’m skeptical that these initiatives will have any real impact on closing the gender gap in tech. It’s going to take more than just education. 🤷‍♂️

  7. I don’t trust these organizations to provide quality education and training. It feels like a money grab. 💰

  8. Why are women being singled out? What about initiatives for underrepresented groups as a whole?

  9. This is just another attempt to tokenize feminism and profit off of women in tech.

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