Martin Shkreli, infamously known as "Pharma Bro," has recently claimed involvement in the creation of the Solana-based token DJT. This...
Ignazio Anding
In 2024, the United States dollar is demonstrating robust performance, and the market for digital assets tied to the currency...
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse believes that the United States government is actively pursuing stablecoin issuer Tether, a move that could...
Blockchain technology, once mainly associated with cryptocurrency, is now being utilized in various industries, including healthcare. Its ability to secure...
In the early days of radio and television, religious programs were a staple of these new mediums. Now, as technology...
Hans Zimmer, the famous composer known for his work on blockbuster movies, has entered the world of cryptocurrencies by collaborating...
The Nigerian government is taking steps to extradite Nadeem Arjarwalla, a Binance executive who recently fled custody, from Kenya. According...
The financial regulator in the Philippines is taking action against Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, by blocking local user...
Trademark and brand protection are crucial for businesses to establish their identity and distinguish themselves from competitors. Brand protection involves...
In his first interview since 2017, Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, discussed the future of the messaging service, specifically its...