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Australia Joins Bitcoin ATM Club

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Australia Joins Bitcoin ATM Club

Australia has achieved a significant milestone in the world of cryptocurrency, as it now has 1,000 active crypto-fiat machines in operation. This makes Australia the third country, after the United States and Canada, to reach this achievement. The nation currently represents 2.7% of the global Bitcoin ATM network. The United States reached 1,000 crypto ATMs in November 2017, while Canada achieved the same milestone in January 2021. The US currently accounts for 82.8% of global Bitcoin ATMs with 31,170 machines, while Canada has 7.8% with 2,918 machines.

Historically, Australia had been a relatively inactive market for crypto ATMs. This has changed in recent years, with adoption increasing significantly. This is largely due to the involvement of private firms in the sector. In April 2023, Australia surpassed Asia in terms of Bitcoin ATM count. This includes major economies such as China, Japan, Singapore, and India. With the current rate of installations, Australia is on track to surpass Europe, which currently has 4.3% (1,617 machines) of all active Bitcoin ATMs.

Several other countries also have a significant number of crypto ATMs. Spain has 261 machines, El Salvador has 215, Poland has 211, Germany has 194, and Hong Kong has 157. It’s worth noting that El Salvador’s Bitcoin ATM database was recently leaked by hackers, who have now released a portion of the country’s state-operated “Chivo” Bitcoin wallet’s source code. The hacker group known as CiberInteligenciaSV shared this code on a public forum, stating that they do not sell this information but provide it for free. Local cybersecurity project VenariX warned the public about this leak and mentioned the hacker group’s plans to release the source code.

12 thoughts on “Australia Joins Bitcoin ATM Club

  1. Australia finally catches up with the US and Canada, but it’s still the third country to achieve this milestone. Way to go, Australia! 😒

  2. Wow, Spain, El Salvador, Poland, Germany, and Hong Kong all have more crypto ATMs than Australia. Talk about lagging behind.

  3. Oh no, El Salvador’s Bitcoin ATM database got hacked? That’s a concerning development. Cybersecurity should always be a top priority.

  4. It’s laughable that Australia is celebrating 1,000 crypto ATMs when the US has over 30,000.

  5. It took them this long to reach 1,000 crypto ATMs? Australia really needs to step up their game.

  6. Australia may have 1,000 crypto ATMs, but the US and Canada have way more. They still have a long way to go.

  7. Who would have thought that Australia would become such a prominent player in the Bitcoin ATM network? Kudos to them for embracing the world of cryptocurrency!

  8. Australia’s crypto ATM count is nothing compared to the major economies in Asia. They have a lot of catching up to do.

  9. Australia may have more crypto ATMs now, but it’s still a small fraction compared to the US and Canada.

  10. Great, now hackers are leaking El Salvador’s Bitcoin ATM database. Australia’s achievement seems insignificant in comparison.

  11. Europe better watch out because Australia is on track to surpass them in Bitcoin ATMs! It’s exciting to see the crypto market growing so rapidly Down Under.

  12. Despite the setback, kudos to cybersecurity projects like VenariX for warning the public about the leaked source code. It’s important to stay informed and vigilant in the crypto space.

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