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Roger Ver Granted Bail in Spain, Awaits US Extradition

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Roger Ver Granted Bail in Spain, Awaits US Extradition

A Spanish court recently granted bail to Roger Ver, a prominent early bitcoin investor, as he awaits potential extradition to the United States. Ver was released from Spanish custody on May 17 after posting a bail amounting to approximately $163,000. Despite his release, Ver has been ordered to stay in Spain, surrender his passport, and appear in court every two days.

The legal troubles for Ver began when the U.S. Justice Department announced charges against him on April 30. The accusations include mail fraud, tax evasion, and filing false tax returns. Prosecutors allege that Ver defrauded the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of around $48 million by not reporting capital gains from his sales of Bitcoin and other assets.

Though originally from California, Ver renounced his American citizenship in 2014 and does not possess a U.S. passport. He is now a citizen of Saint Kitts and Nevis, as well as Antigua and Barbuda. U.S. officials are working to have Ver extradited from Spain to face trial in the United States.

Ver is well-known for his vocal support of Bitcoin Cash and finds himself entangled in another controversy from 2022. CoinFlex claimed that Ver, often referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus,” owed the platform $47 million in USD Coin.

This isn’t Ver’s first legal battle. In the early 2000s, he spent ten months in federal prison in the United States for selling explosives on eBay. Recounting his time behind bars in a 2018 video, Ver said, “The real punishment about going to prison is being separated from every single person you know in life.”

If found guilty of the charges, Ver faces serious penalties. According to the Justice Department, he could receive up to 20 years in federal prison for each count of mail fraud, five years for each count of tax evasion, and three years for each count of filing a false tax return.

Since his arrest, Ver has remained silent on social media, adding to the intrigue surrounding his case. As the extradition process unfolds, all eyes will be on how the Spanish and U.S. legal systems handle this high-profile situation.

The complex legal landscape surrounding Ver reflects broader issues within the cryptocurrency world, where regulations are constantly evolving. His case not only draws attention to individual accountability but also highlights the challenges authorities face in regulating digital currencies.

36 thoughts on “Roger Ver Granted Bail in Spain, Awaits US Extradition

  1. Such a complex and compelling case! Roger Ver’s bail is just one chapter. His legal saga is far from over.

  2. It’s amazing Roger Ver got bail, but his troubles are far from over. The crypto community is watching closely!

  3. So he’s a billionaire but only had to pay $163K to get out on bail? Ridiculous.

  4. The release of Roger Ver is a huge development in the crypto space. Kudos to Spanish courts for granting bail. Now we wait!

  5. Roger Ver is out on bail! The crypto world is holding its breath as this legal saga continues. What a rollercoaster!

  6. Roger Ver’s release on bail makes one thing clear: the crypto world is always full of surprises. Legal battles ahead!

  7. Huge news in the crypto world with Roger Ver’s bail. This case is critical for understanding crypto regulations globally.

  8. People like Roger Ver give the entire cryptocurrency community a bad name.

  9. Spanish court did the right thing in granting bail. Roger Ver’s case is one to watch closely. What’s next in this saga?

  10. Big move by the Spanish court to grant bail to Roger Ver. Curious to see if the U.S. succeeds in extradition!

  11. Why did it take so long for the U.S. Justice Department to catch up with this guy?

  12. Can we stop glorifying these people? Roger Ver is not a hero; he’s a repeat offender.

  13. Incredible news! Roger Ver out on bail, but still plenty of drama ahead. Can’t wait to see how this unfolds!

  14. Ver’s legal battles just keep getting more intense! Glad to see him out on bail, but there’s so much more to come.

  15. Just another rich guy thinking he can dodge the system. Not impressed.

  16. Roger Ver’s legal troubles won’t end with bail. This case is more than a personal issue; it’s a precedent in crypto law!

  17. Extremely frustrating to see Ver getting away with so much while honest folks struggle. 😥💸

  18. Such a complex case for Roger Ver. Bail granted, but will he be extradited? This is huge for the crypto world!

  19. million in tax evasion? Unreal. And this is just another day in the crypto world?

  20. Really hope the Spanish courts see through this guy’s tricks and don’t let him get away.

  21. Roger Ver’s release on bail is huge, but the case highlights how difficult it is to regulate crypto. Watching this space!

  22. Roger Ver granted bail, but the legal journey is long. The case will undoubtedly affect the crypto regulations debate!

  23. Just look at his history, this was to be expected. If you play with fire…

  24. Global implications with this case! Roger Ver out on bail, but what about extradition? This is a landmark case for sure.

  25. It’s fascinating to see how international law comes into play with individuals like Ver. Glad he’s out on bail, but the story is far from over!

  26. Can’t believe Roger Ver is facing such heavy accusations! Bail was granted, but the true test lies ahead. Keep watching!

  27. Big update: Roger Ver out on bail but must stay in Spain. This legal drama is far from over!

  28. Roger Ver granted bail in Spain! The intersection of international law and cryptocurrency is fascinating. On to the next chapter!

  29. Crazy that Ver has to appear in court every two days! This saga is far from over. What’s next?

  30. Happy to hear Roger Ver is out on bail, but the legal battle continues. This case is so important for crypto regulations!

  31. This guy’s nickname is Bitcoin Jesus, but he’s acting more like a criminal.

  32. Roger Ver’s legal issues are heating up again! Released on bail, but now it’s a waiting game. This could set precedents!

  33. Major news! Roger Ver’s bail is a crucial development. The crypto community is eagerly watching what happens next!

  34. When will these crypto bigwigs learn that the law applies to everyone?

  35. Great to hear Roger Ver was granted bail, but this is just the beginning. The accusations are serious. Stay tuned!

  36. Ver released on bail but facing extradition. The case encapsulates the ever-evolving legal landscape of cryptocurrency!

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