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Nasdaq-listed Tiger Brokers Introduces Online Crypto Trading in Hong Kong

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Nasdaq-listed Tiger Brokers Introduces Online Crypto Trading in Hong Kong

Tiger Brokers, a Nasdaq-listed company, has introduced cryptocurrency support on its Tiger Trade app for investors in Hong Kong. Professional investors can now access 18 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ether, along with other assets like stocks, options, and futures. Tiger Brokers partnered with HashKey Exchange to provide this service, and it plans to extend cryptocurrency trading to retail investors once it obtains regulatory approval. The company is also considering adding cryptocurrency spot withdrawals and deposits in the future. In addition to cryptocurrencies, investors can also trade Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the Tiger Trade platform. This offers another way for investors to gain exposure to the ETFs, which have seen varying levels of success since their launch in the US and Hong Kong. While the first day of trading for Hong Kong’s spot Bitcoin and Ether ETFs had lower volumes compared to the US ETFs, they still attracted over $200 million in total assets. There have been discussions about the possibility of mainland China gaining access to these ETFs through the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, a cross-border investment infrastructure connecting the Shenzhen and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges. This would allow investors, brokers, and clearing houses in mainland China to trade shares in these ETFs.

26 thoughts on “Nasdaq-listed Tiger Brokers Introduces Online Crypto Trading in Hong Kong

  1. I’m thrilled about the addition of Bitcoin ETFs on the Tiger Trade platform. It’s another avenue for us to explore and diversify our investment portfolios. 📊💸

  2. Oh, and the possibility of spot withdrawals and deposits in the future? Count me in! Tiger Brokers is going above and beyond to provide a seamless trading experience. 😍🙌

  3. Why would mainland China want access to these ETFs? It’s just inviting more speculation and potential financial instability.

  4. The future looks bright with Tiger Brokers leading the way in cryptocurrency trading. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next!

  5. Tiger Brokers is truly revolutionizing the investment landscape with their innovative offerings. I’m grateful to be part of this exciting journey! 🙌🎉

  6. Trading Bitcoin ETFs on the Tiger Trade platform? Another way for investors to be exposed to the risks and volatility of cryptocurrencies. No thanks!

  7. Retail investors shouldn’t have access to cryptocurrency trading. It’s too risky and they’re likely to lose all their money. Tiger Brokers should focus on more reliable investment options.

  8. Cryptocurrencies are a bubble waiting to burst. Tiger Brokers should know better than to offer such risky investment options.

  9. Finally, professional investors in Hong Kong can access a diverse range of cryptocurrencies. Tiger Brokers is bringing convenience and potential profits right to our fingertips!

  10. Tiger Brokers must be out of their minds to think that adding cryptocurrency support is a good idea. It’s like jumping into a sinking ship.

  11. This partnership with HashKey Exchange is a genius move by Tiger Brokers. They have really positioned themselves as leaders in the industry! 👏💪

  12. The discussions surrounding mainland China’s access to these ETFs through the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are really intriguing. It could bring even more liquidity and interest to the market.

  13. Tiger Brokers partnering with HashKey Exchange sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I wouldn’t trust either of them with my money.

  14. I highly doubt Tiger Brokers has the expertise to handle cryptocurrencies. This feels like a desperate attempt to attract more customers.

  15. The fact that Tiger Brokers is partnering with HashKey Exchange doesn’t make me feel any more confident in their cryptocurrency services. It sounds like a recipe for disaster.

  16. I can’t believe Tiger Brokers is considering this move. They should focus on providing reliable and safe investment options instead of dabbling in cryptocurrencies.

  17. Cryptocurrency spot withdrawals and deposits? Are they trying to attract money laundering or illegal activities? This is a terrible idea. 😤

  18. Tiger Brokers embracing cryptocurrencies is a game-changer! I can’t wait to start trading them on their Tiger Trade app! 🚀💰

  19. Oh great, another platform offering cryptocurrency trading. Just what we need, more speculation and potential for scams.

  20. I’m super excited about the prospect of trading cryptocurrencies alongside stocks, options, and futures on the Tiger Trade app. It’s one-stop shopping for all my investment needs!

  21. Just what we need, more ways for people to lose their hard-earned money in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies. Tiger Brokers should prioritize investor protection.

  22. Lower volumes for Hong Kong’s Bitcoin and Ether ETFs compared to the US? That’s not reassuring at all. It just shows how risky and unstable these investments are. 😓

  23. I don’t understand why Tiger Brokers decided to introduce cryptocurrency support. It seems like a risky move considering the volatility and uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies.

  24. Even though the volumes on the first day were lower compared to the US ETFs, attracting over $200 million in total assets is still impressive! That’s a promising start for Bitcoin and Ether ETFs in Hong Kong.

  25. Retail investors should stay far away from cryptocurrencies. Tiger Brokers should focus on providing responsible investment options, not fueling the speculative market.

  26. Kudos to Tiger Brokers for planning to expand cryptocurrency trading to retail investors! This move will democratize access to cryptocurrencies and open up new opportunities for all of us.

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