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Fox & Time Harness Blockchain to Fight Fake News

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Fox & Time Harness Blockchain to Fight Fake News

Fox Corporation has entered into a partnership with renowned global media entity Time to leverage Fox’s Verify protocol, aiming to make content licensing and verification foolproof. This collaboration seeks to uphold the integrity of journalism and tackle the dissemination of false information in the media. Time’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Howard, underscored this mission by expressing, “Time is proud to join Fox’s Verify as an authenticated source of fact-based journalism at a time when access to trusted information is more important than ever.”

Time is becoming Fox’s first external publishing collaborator for the Verify protocol. They both plan to infuse blockchain verification into the journalism domain. Fox Corporation’s Chief Technology Officer, Melody Hildebrandt, shared her excitement for this collaboration by stating, “In Time, we have found a partner that shares our AI-optimism as well as our commitment to protecting brand equity and authenticity while delivering our content in new and meaningful ways.”

The Verify protocol was initially launched on Polygon’s proof-of-stake (PoS) network back in January. It employs advanced cryptographic methods to authenticate and trace the history and origins of digital content. This verification mechanism establishes a crucial technical connection between artificial intelligence (AI) platforms and media firms. To date, it has authenticated over 300,000 content pieces for Fox. Marc Boiron, CEO of Polygon Labs, commented, “Polygon Labs’ collaboration with Fox Corp on Verify exemplifies the positive impact of blockchain technology. Time, one of the world’s most respected media outlets, is an ideal first external publishing partner.”

Stimulated by positive feedback, Fox Corporation is planning to transition the Verify protocol from the Polygon PoS network to an independent zero-knowledge (ZK) blockchain using Polygon’s Chain Development Kit (CDK). This move is being developed in conjunction with Gelato, a decentralized smart contract automation platform. Boiron expressed high hopes for this transition by stating, “With Gelato as the implementation provider, Verify can now become a ZK L2 chain using Polygon CDK, paving the way for exponential growth.”

This shift towards ZK technology will significantly enhance the security and transparency of content verification, allowing developers the freedom to create projects that are verifiably authentic. This open-source approach not only advances security but also invites innovations in the digital content sphere.

Fox Corporation envisions that this initiative will set new benchmarks in the media industry by marrying blockchain technology with journalism. The seamless integration of blockchain to verify content is poised to revolutionize how information’s authenticity is ascertained.

In a world increasingly plagued by misinformation, the collaboration between Fox and Time comes as a much-needed measure. Their endeavor will offer audiences a reliable source for factual content while also supporting a new wave of technological advancements in media authenticity.

Through this partnership, both Fox and Time aim to lead by example, encouraging other media companies to adopt similar verification protocols. This will collectively help in combating misinformation and restoring public trust in media.

38 thoughts on “Fox & Time Harness Blockchain to Fight Fake News

  1. Blockchain in journalism? Sounds more like a gimmick to cover up issues with factual reporting. **

  2. This collaboration is just what we need to restore trust in media. Well done to Fox and Time! 🙌📰

  3. Super excited about the collaborations of Fox and Time! This is a huge step in fostering reliable journalism!

  4. This is phenomenal! Taking a strong stand against misinformation with blockchain, way to go Fox & Time! 🌟📢

  5. The use of blockchain to verify content is a brilliant move. Way to go, Fox and Time! 🔥🙏

  6. Love to see such progress in the fight against misinformation! Fox and Time are leading by example.

  7. Time must be desperate to partner with Fox. Can we even trust this Verify protocol now? 🙄❌”**

  8. Fantastic to see big media adopting blockchain tech! Kudos, Fox and Time! 🌟🌍

  9. Will blockchain really make a difference if the content is already skewed? 🤔🔗”**

  10. Exciting times ahead with blockchain in journalism! Kudos to Fox and Time for pioneering this! 🧠🔗

  11. Such positive news for a change! Fox and Time’s collaboration is a beacon of hope for proper journalism!

  12. Seriously? Fox Corporation wants to talk about ‘journalism integrity’? What a joke! **

  13. This is amazing! It’s refreshing to see media giants like Fox and Time taking responsibility to safeguard journalism integrity through cutting-edge tech.

  14. Hooray for Fox and Time! This could not have been a more timely initiative. 📅💡

  15. Verify protocol sounds cool, but I have zero faith in its application by Fox. **

  16. Such a groundbreaking partnership! Time and Fox are setting stellar examples in the media industry.

  17. So, Time wants to get in bed with Fox? That’s a surefire way to lose respect. **

  18. So proud of Time and Fox for this collaboration! This will foster greater trust in media.

  19. Finally, some solid steps towards reliable journalism! Hats off to Fox and Time for this initiative!

  20. Blockchain for content verification? Genius! Excited to follow this project’s growth!

  21. Kudos to Fox for their Verify protocol and partnering with Time! This is shaping up the future of journalism.

  22. Innovative approach by two powerhouse media entities! This is the kind of collaboration we need to combat fake news!

  23. Incredible initiative! Blockchain in journalism will revolutionize content authenticity and trust. 🛠️📰

  24. Why partner with Fox? There are plenty of other, more reputable outlets. **

  25. Blockchain tech can’t save what’s fundamentally flawed in Fox’s reporting. **

  26. This partnership feels more like a PR stunt than a genuine effort to fight misinformation. **

  27. Fox & Time’s partnership is just the innovation journalism needs. Looking forward to the great things ahead!

  28. Absolutely thrilled to see Fox and Time teaming up for media transparency and accuracy.

  29. Bravo to Fox and Time for leveraging blockchain in journalism! Fighting misinformation just got a lot smarter!

  30. Fix your biased reporting first, then talk about ‘fact-based journalism’. 🤦‍♀️✍️”**

  31. AI-optimism from Fox? They’ve already done enough ‘optimizing’ with their biased stories. **

  32. Fox and Time are raising the bar for how media authenticity should be approached. 👏🔒

  33. I can’t take this seriously. Blockchain might be great, but it’s not going to fix credibility issues. **

  34. Fox and ‘integrity’ in the same sentence? Now I’ve heard everything. **

  35. Blockchain making waves in journalism with Fox & Time! Authentic content, here we come!

  36. What an inspiring partnership! Blockchain verification is just what we need for trustworthy journalism.

  37. So excited about this partnership! Blockchain tech in journalism seems to be the future of trustworthy news!

  38. Absolutely love this! Time’s collaboration with Fox on Verify is a win-win for trusted journalism.

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